AM Hard Tags 

Compatible with Sensormatic, WG & and all AM EAS Systems. 
If you dont see the tag you are currently using in our selection below, please give us a call. We can normally source different AM tags within a few days. 

Tag with built in lanyard 

The same as our Lingerie Tag except this one has it's own lanyard built in. It can be used for sunglasses, shoes, purses, etc. or any other hard to tag items. Comes equipped with AM technology and is compatible with Sensormatic systems. 
Dimensions: 28.5x18.5x23mm 
Technology: AM 58KHz 
Pin Compatibility: Own 16mm 
Pin Color: Black 
Pack size: 250 unit(s) per pack 

Mini Pencil Tag AM 

The Mini Pencil is our most popular hard tag. It is reusable and available in AM technology. 
Detacher : Normal Lock 
Dimensions: 50x19x12mm 
Pack size: 250 unit(s) per pack 

Blister Tag AM 

This reusable tag is a great visual deterrent to shoplifters with EAS technology. 
The tag can be easily applied to clamshell or blister pack products, and easily removed at the checkout counter. 
This tag eliminates the need for product lock up or lockdown. The product is available to the customer in open display. 
Color: Red 
Size: 55.1 x 54 x 22.4mm 
Pack size: 100 unit(s) per pack 

Elite Tag 

Sleek, slim, small design ideal for lighter clothing items. Compatible with AM 58KHz frequency, compatible with Sensormatic systems. 
Dimensions: 45x19x12mm (l x w x d) Technology: AM 58KHz 
Pin Compatibility: pin OTP100 
Color: Grey 
Pack size: 250 unit(s) per pac 

Mini Pencil Tag 

The Mini Pencil is our most popular hard tag. It is reusable and available in AM technology. 
Dimensions: 50x19x12mm (l x w x d) Technology: AM 58KHz 
Pin Compatibility: Pin OTP100/101 
Color: Gray 
Pack size: 250 unit(s) per pack 

AM Hard Tags 

We can source tags compatible with all AM Tagging Systems. Please contact our office if you do not see your exact tag here.